Zamboni ice rink watch is very very accurate

A good Zamboni driver can do one lap of a rink in 60 seconds. Ironically and coincidentally, this watch does the same thing. The Zamboni driver counts the seconds of your way cool, super awesome hockey watch.

Zamboni Watch

Yes. You are a hero. Its a known fact that every NHL player gets one of these from a loved one roughly 2 times a year and on Christmas Day. It makes sense when you think about it, what the heck would you buy someone whom you know has tonnes of money, a hot wife and really really likes hockey?

Yeah exactly. A Zamboni watch is a given.

Hit the jump for your very own NHLers perfect gift

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15 Responses to “Zamboni ice rink watch is very very accurate”

  1. 1 angel Nov 11th, 2015 at 5:15 AM

    The Best and very interested in zamboni watch for my son who is a professional hockey player for Laco Eaters Limburg in the Netherlands. Thanks

  2. 2 Moreira Feb 1st, 2016 at 9:58 PM

    Thank you for the information you post, it’s very useful for me and my family. Greetings…..

  3. 3 Moreira Feb 1st, 2016 at 10:00 PM

    Thank you for the information. Greetings,,,

  4. 4 Joanne Zamboni Jan 17th, 2017 at 2:58 AM

    Looking for a Zamboni Watch, for my son ?????????? Does anyone have one for sale ??

  5. 5 John Manzer Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:05 AM

    I have been looking for this zamboni watch for over two years. Please tell me where I can buy one. None of the links provided lead to anywhere.

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