I just had to post this video about this really really smart guy talking about wireless power. He basically says in a years time we’ll be saying “bye bye” to power cords.
Well that ma ma ma ma makes me happy.
Think about it. Everyone will have an electric car and we’ll just pull into our driveways and drive up on a matt and that matt will automatically charge up our cars. Or we’ll just have our cell phones in the vacinity of our homes and they will charge up for us all the time.
How about this, you put your big screen TV up on the wall and you don’t even have to worry about that hanging power cord, or even hiding it into the back of the wall. This is the future.
Okay. A year from now.
But seriously. We won’t even need batteries, well not the same kind of batteries anymore. And that’s green. I like it.
More information on these devices here
Wireless power has existedin the market for several years. Wireless Power & communication has developed several products for the offshore markes which utilaizes wireless power transmission, http://wpc.no/products.html.