When you’re feeling a little down get a backyard Bungee Bird Feeder

Bungee Bird Feeder SuckUK

You’ve heard of birds on a wire, but how about a man on a string? Check this out! It’s a cool bungee jumping dude, made entirely out of bird food.

Hey that rhymed!

Sort of.

But anyway. This bungee jumping man is a real pick-me-up. Not only do the peckish birds love pecking people, it’s a pretty perfect platter for picky party poopers. Like squirrels for example.

Spring into action and get your bungee bird feeder from SuckUK here

The Deets
• Made out of bird seed
• Looks like a dude
• Works best if used in dry conditions
• Pretty package, nes pas?
• When you’re feeling down, wait for spring. Get it? Get it? Nevermind.

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4 Responses to “When you’re feeling a little down get a backyard Bungee Bird Feeder”

  1. 1 seth Apr 19th, 2011 at 2:36 PM

    So you want the birds to start pecking at a model of a human? I’m pretty sure this is how you start teaching them to peck out eyes and go for the tender parts of the body. Just don’t complain when your birds get a blood lust and begin attacking everyone in sight.

  2. 2 onemoregadget Apr 19th, 2011 at 9:19 PM

    @Seth One too many Hitchcock movies perhaps? Don’t worry. The One More Gadget condor is perfectly trained to only peck at humans 5 inches in height or smaller.

  3. 3 seth Apr 24th, 2011 at 12:53 AM

    Are you saying this thing is teaching those birds to target fetuses?!?! That’s not much better. Pregnant women beware!

  4. 4 Ben Feb 6th, 2012 at 2:13 PM

    What a fun penoertatisn! Thanks for doing such an amazing job. Off to do some deep reading now. You rock! – Liza

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