When a tacky gadget is a good thing, it’s an Amazing Gravity Defying Phone Holder

What Gravity? Phone Holder

Gravity? What Gravity?

Introducing the “What? Gravity iPhone Holder”, a cool promotional gadget designed to perfectly hold your phone, pen, pencils, or any other nifty desktop item you have without it ever sliding off. And trust me, I tried it’s tipping point. I was impressed.

The trick is in the material, it’s super slick and puckered. Tiny little indentations hold the items to provide the perfect tack for almost anything. Speaking of anything, check out this cool video to see it in action:

Yup, it seems to absolutely defy gravity. Mind boggling if you ask me. It even works the opposite way as well. I stuck it to my face while I was at work and completely forgot about it. It wasn’t until the afternoon when someone finally told me I had something on my face. Bunch of jerks if you ask me.

You know what else is mind boggling? This.

Gravity Defying Sheep

That’s right hovergoat. Stick it to the man.

Get your super cool promotional What? Gravity iPhone Holders here.

*Photo credit Richard Peters Photography


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