What do you get when you combine smells and pencils? Smencils of course!

Well they did it. They finally did it. Liquid scents from felt markers turned into solid pencil form!

They are gourmet scented pencils and start smelling the second you scratch a scribble down on the paper. I like the idea of drawing pictures and having them smell like their colour, it’s pretty neat. But so far this excellent thought only works with oranges.

I tried drawing a watermelon and it smelled like a bubblegum flavored watermelon. Then I tried drawing a happy dog but he smelled like rootbeer.

Smencil Fail.

Get your very own smelly pencils here

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2 Responses to “What do you get when you combine smells and pencils? Smencils of course!”

  1. 1 Greg Mar 8th, 2010 at 2:41 PM

    This post cracked me up. Glad to see the blog is back. These smencils are going to revolutionize my card making. I wonder what my next drawing of Bob Ross’ corpse will smell like? Should be yummy!

  2. 2 onemoregadget Mar 8th, 2010 at 7:54 PM

    Haha. Sick!

    My guess is rootbeer and tomato sauce. Lots and lots of tomato sauce.

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