What do you get when you combine Russian Dolls and Cups? Kelsey from the-anthology of course!


Thought I was going to say Babushkups, didn’t you?

Nope! We have a super awesome celebrity blogger, Kelsey from The Anthology, letting us take a bit of a vacation on this one. These nesting glasses from FindMeAGift are a great gadget and a wonderfully creative idea for almost anyone. Kelsey might be a fashion expert but her creativity when it comes to cool gadgets has no boundaries! She has a few suggestions on who you could buy them for in the video below:

Take it away Kelsey!

Thanks Kelsey! Heelarious. Looks like you have as much fun reviewing gadgets as I do! You’re welcome back any time!

Get your Babushkups online here

Visit The-Anthology to see more of Kelsey’s adventures!

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3 Responses to “What do you get when you combine Russian Dolls and Cups? Kelsey from the-anthology of course!”

  1. 1 OneMoreGadget Dec 28th, 2011 at 6:12 PM

    Thanks Kelsey!

  2. 2 Kelsey Dundon Dec 29th, 2011 at 12:21 PM

    Oh. My. Word. The editing! The music! The cat!

    Thanks again, OMG!

  3. 3 Francisco Carrasco Jan 18th, 2012 at 11:44 AM

    Nossa, belíssimos. Adorei-os.

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