Wearable widescreen TV will make you look like that blind guy from star trek

For only 250 dollars you can look like that blind guy from star trek.

Personal WIdescreen TV

This expensive little device connects to a portable DVD player, your iPod/iPhone or anything else that plays audio or video. It seems to have pretty low resolution for being less than a cm away from your face, but maybe the 420×240 resoution is to help reduce your chance of blindness when wearing these.

Not sure who’s brilliant idea it was to put up a flashing image cm’s away from your retinas for 2 hrs but something tells me his name might have been Jordie.


Yeah. Sexy. Don’t worry, that isn’t me. This is one of the few gadgets I don’t own. You can’t knock it before you buy it but who wants to wear glasses that takes AA batteries?

Hit the jump for more info on the Widescreen Personal TV Glasses, the perfect gift for someone that needs ADD.

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1 Response to “Wearable widescreen TV will make you look like that blind guy from star trek”

  1. 1 james morton Sep 24th, 2010 at 7:34 AM


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