Two words: Pajama Jeans

Pajama Jeans

That’s right, the Snuggie was so last year. We need pajamas you’ll live in and jeans you’ll sleep in. That’s what we need.

They seemed to solve a problem I never knew we had, and in the process they put two words together that’s really fun to say a bunch of times in a row. Pajama Jeans. Pajama Jeans. Pajama Jeans.

Remember that time I insulted people that wore pajamas all the time? Well now you can sorta get away with it if you wear a pair of these Pajama Jeans.

Just kidding.

You’re not only going to look like a lazy fool when everyone finds out, you’ll also look too cheap to buy jeans.

But hey, on the other hand they are basically pajama bottoms that are made to look like jeans, and I’m kind of liking the idea of never having to get dressed. They might be onto something.

Get your own Pajama Jeans here

or Watch the awesome infomercial here

Thanks to Kelsey at the Anthology for the heads up!
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