Turn your cuts into comics with Ouchie Bandaids!

These bandages are so fun that you’ll be looking forward to the next time you hurt yourself just so you can use them. Hmm, I can’t remember the last time I hurt myself. In fact, I can’t even think of ONE time that I ever did hurt myself.

I must be Superman.

Or maybe it’s just because I never leave the house because I’m inside reading comics.

Nah. I’m going to go with Superman on this one. And let me tell yah. I’m going to leave the house and try to hurt myself because nothing would please me more than being able to use one of these awesome comic bandages.*

(Tries to get up out of the chair.)

Nope. Getting up is not happening.

These awesome bandages were added to our coolest list of wacky band-aids!

Be a Comic Hero and get these cool bandages right here

*Knocking on wood.
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