Thomas Kinkade does it again with a Revolving Christmas Tree Topper that goes over the top, literally

Revolving Topper

This tree-topper showcases the artwork of renowned holiday artist Thomas Kinkade as Santa spins ’round the crown of a Christmas tree. Yes, this ornament actually moves around the top of your Christmas tree. I’m serious.

Christmas trees are getting a little nuts these days. Remember that fad that happened where they turned the trees upside down and started selling them as upside down Christmas trees? How stupid was that. I guess they got that idea from Diamond Shreddies, but an upside down Christmas tree was probably one of the dumbest things I’d ever seen.

Until someone told me it was upside down to make more room for presents.

Upside down Christmas Tree = best idea of all-time.

Anyway, this tree topper is so popular, it’s actually sold out, everywhere. Sorry folks! Better get an upside-down tree instead.

Check out more pictures of the Revolving Tree Topper here

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1 Response to “Thomas Kinkade does it again with a Revolving Christmas Tree Topper that goes over the top, literally”

  1. 1 Erik Dec 22nd, 2010 at 9:58 AM

    Was I the only one who saw “Thomas Kincaide” and then read “revolving” as “revolting”?

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