The Ultimate Sports Car for really big fans, a Vancouver Canucks Dekotora

Ultimate Sports Car

Yup. This is a truck. It takes one serious bad-ass fan to make something like this. I’m sure Optimus Prime tinkled a bit when he saw this truck. Okay, okay. It was me. But honestly, this fan-mobile makes Las Vegas look like desk lamp.

If you haven’t heard of these by now, Dekotora is a fancy name for ‘Japanese Truck Art’ which is very big in Japan and now spreading worldwide pretty quick.

With over 10,000 lights and countless tons of modified steel, this Canucks themed Dekotora could be in a parade all its own. I’ve heard of pimp my ride, but this truck is ridiculous. It basically has it all. And to top it off, yes, there’s a jukebox.

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1 Response to “The Ultimate Sports Car for really big fans, a Vancouver Canucks Dekotora”

  1. 1 OneMoreGadget Jun 2nd, 2011 at 8:42 PM

    Go Canucks Go!

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