The Sub Jumpa: The first and last Underwater Pogo Stick

Sub Jumpa Underwater Pogo Stick

This “Sub Jumpa” may sound real gangsta, but it’s pretty ghetto. I’m not sure if it was ever tested before it hit the shelves. Actually, if it was actually tested it wouldn’t have hit the shelves. So there you go.

I dunno about you, but the last time I tried jumping under water I almost died and quickly had my trunks hanging onto my ankles for dear life.

There’s no way to improve this one folks. There won’t be a Sub Jumpa 2. And if you thought that guy on the box looked like he was just balancing underwater to make it look like he’s jumping–you’d be right.

I’m pretty sure they didn’t miraculously find a way to stop water from making you sink and float simultaneously. But just in case they did, this is probably the best $59.95 plus shipping you could ever spend.

Get your own Sub Jumpa Here!

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