The perfect office accessory – The Grass Patch FAIL

The office grass patch

The Office Grass Patch. Beauty.

I dunno about you, but one of my favorite things to do at the office, besides working, is take my socks off. It’s quite liberating. Especially when the dogs are barking.

And you know what else I like?

Running on grass with bare feet.

But I’ve always secretly wished that somehow, I could combine both of these simple pleasures without having to worry about stepping in a discarded needle. But alas, I never could.


office grass patch

The Office Grass Patch is pretty awesome. It truly brings a little piece of that outside nature, inside and makes the office greener. And with this, pretty soon I’ll be adding a small white picket fence and a red roadrunner that runs in the wind to complete my ensemble.

Here are some features:

• It’s made of high quality silk floss
• Each one comes in a 30cm x 30cm square piece
• It makes the perfect accessory to your drab office carpet, or even worse, tiles! Boo!
• Seriously folks. How can you go wrong for under 5 bucks?

Hit the jump to get your wicked silk turf office grass patch here

Update: Well, clearly you can go wrong. After completely testing the office grass patch we are severely disappointed. It’s complete crap. There are little pieces of silk floss everywhere. It looks like the Green Giant invaded the grotto at the playboy mansion and left behind tiny little green hairs in the pool. It’s sick. Just sick. And it smells of mean butt. Real mean.

Just angry.

Fortunately it was cheap, but now we can see why. It looks like we’ll be looking for a new and better office grass patch so our office gnome has somewhere to stand.

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2 Responses to “The perfect office accessory – The Grass Patch FAIL”

  1. 1 liv Sep 8th, 2010 at 2:46 PM

    great idea though i’m not sure about “silk floss”. that sounds kinda gross.

  2. 2 OneMoreGadget Sep 8th, 2010 at 8:55 PM

    Hmm, you are right. Although, it does sound better than dental floss.

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