The Original Pick Punch Review, the best tool for making your own guitar picks

Pick Punch LogoPick Punch

Awhile ago we checked out the Pickmaster, a plectrum punch available in the UK. Recently however, we discovered the original Pick Punch that was invented years prior to the Pickmaster. The original Pick Punch was created by inventor Von Luhmann in the United States and it’s one of the most unique inventions we’ve reviewed here on One More Gadget.

DIY Guitar Pick Punch Demo

The Pick Punch is very well made and very well designed. It’s a heavy duty product made to punch several guitar picks without putting too much stress on your hands. One thing I noticed was how easily it pops the guitar picks out giving them a nice crisp edge.

The Pick Punch is available in 351 size and Jazz size which are a little bit smaller, but just as sweet. Each pick punch comes with a mini sanding block, which is perfect for getting those fine soft edges. With a gadget like this, you’ll never run out of guitar picks ever again.

There are also several types of materials for sale on the pick punch website that are perfect for making your own guitar picks. You can even find tips and tricks on how to make your own custom photo guitar picks for a very unique and personal gift.

What an amazing invention. I anticipate this gadget will be available worldwide in every music store very soon. So make sure you call your local music store and tell them to carry The Pick Punch!

See our video review below and watch the Pick Punch in action!

Get your own Pick Punch here

or for Bulk orders for your music shop click here

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1 Response to “The Original Pick Punch Review, the best tool for making your own guitar picks”

  1. 1 Jan 11th, 2013 at 10:16 PM

    Seems like you actually fully understand plenty pertaining to this subject and that demonstrates with
    this amazing blog post, termed “The Original Pick Punch Review,
    the best tool for making your own guitar picks at One More Gadget”.
    Thank you ,Kieran

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