The Future of Cellphones? Bendable displays will become the hottest new trend for mobile phones

Samsung Flexible Amoled Display

In case you haven’t heard of what’s what in the world of mobile phone displays, check out the hottest new trend – flexible, bendle AMOLED displays. We recently grabbed a sneak peak at this years CES while looking at some pretty amazing displays when Samsung unveiled it’s show stopper – the new Galaxy Skin, a Slim and Flexible Cellphone.

We heard a rumor that Nokia had a bendy screen in the works years earlier, but it looks like Samsung flexed their muscle and beat them to the punch. By combining the touch screen into the actual LED screen, the AMOLED was born.

In an effort to merge large screen cell phone displays with the convenience of an old-fashioned  flip phone, we expect to see more flexible screen technologies appear in the years to come and really push the companies that explore this technology to give apple a run for their money.

Flexible Samsung Galaxy Skin

Not only are bendy screens positional (much like the feeling of old school slap bracelets), they also have the ability to be double-sided, which means they can display an image on the front and flip-side of the screen simultaneously. And as far as portability goes, we can probably forget the era of being able to tell what phone someone is carrying by looking at their skinny jeans.


I’m glad there is a huge variety of displays out there that give us plenty of options to look at. The fresh forward thinking of Samsung bendy technologies are brilliant and definitely worth looking forward to. Beckham, eat your heart out.

The Samsung Galaxy Skin is currently a concept, but we can expect to see flexible displays on mobiles phones trending this year and hitting markets shortly.

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