The best way to get hits is to create them with the Michael Jackson Thriller Action Figure

Michael Jackson Thriller Action Figure

The Michael Jackson Thriller Action Figure is the icon of Halloween. With realistic details, life-like features and a changeable head and jacket make switching from regular MJ to Zombie MJ a snap. It’s guaranteed to be a hit at any party. Instant classic.

Michael Jackson Thriller Action Figure

Seeing these action figures remind me of the time when I moonwalked and the world stopped to watch. It was kind of epic. It won’t go down as the single most amazing thing in human history, simply because no one stayed conscious long enough to realize what was really happening. You probably don’t remember either because you blacked out. Which proves it really happened. Trust me.

More info, photos and where to buy this epic toy

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3 Responses to “The best way to get hits is to create them with the Michael Jackson Thriller Action Figure”

  1. 1 Michael Jackson History Lives Nov 13th, 2009 at 11:20 PM

    Michael Jackson – American superstar. I love you is Michael Jackson!!!!!!

  2. 2 Hot Christmas Toys Dec 4th, 2009 at 9:42 PM

    Cool MJ Action Figure, I have never seen it, until today. I like the first one.

  3. 3 Citi Online Group Mar 19th, 2010 at 5:09 AM

    I love you is Michael Jackson!!!!!!

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