Stick it to your iPhone, it’s the iPlunge Kickstand

iplunge iphone kickstand

Most reviews are telling people to flush the iPhone 4 down the toilet. And just in case you did. You may need a life-sized plunger to bring it back. But if you rather,  just to use this gadget. It’s the iPlunge. A cute little plunger that you can stick to the back of your iphone to prop it up. What’s that smell? It’s the smell of genius.

Not only is this gadget useful for the iPhone, it’s also an essential new tool for performing the Heimlich Maneuver and cleaning out really really small toilets. And probably in that order.

Plunge away with your iPlunge from BaronBob!

Or check our more cool stands for the iPhone here

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1 Response to “Stick it to your iPhone, it’s the iPlunge Kickstand”

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