Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are like being at Disneyland but smaller, and wetter

Dancing Water Speakers

These Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are awesome! Simply plug these very sweet USB speakers to your computer, kick up the music and watch your very own water light show blow your mind.

It’s almost exactly like being at Disneyland. Okay, not exactly. I emphasize almost, but it comes pretty close. And since I can’t afford a trip to see the World of Color in Disneyland, this will have to do.

If you squint, it’s pretty much the same anyway. Right? Right? Nevermind.

Check out a demo of these sweet computer speakers in action right here:

Walt, eat your heart out.

World of Color Disneyland

Yup. These speakers are pretty awesome. It’s my little touch of Disney magic right on my desktop. With this and my broken office chair wheel, I am practically working in an amusement park.

Get your own Dancing Water Speakers right here

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1 Response to “Sound Master Dancing Water Speakers are like being at Disneyland but smaller, and wetter”

  1. 1 shayne plastow May 18th, 2015 at 3:17 AM

    they are so epic i have some and it is like been at disneyland paris in france

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