Samsung Captivate Android Phone vs The iPhone

samsung captivate android phone vs the iphone4

There she be. The Samsung Captivate Android Phone. People are freaking out about it. And myself, being a mac fan and loving iPhone, decided to look into what all this hoopla is about.

The following is One More Gadget’s comparison between The Samsung Captivate Android Phone VS The iPhone 4 and some answers to questions we had. (the important ones).

What does android mean (in regards to phones?)

It means it’s Google’s operating system. In short, it means it’s not the iPhone. Which right away is a negative in my books. However different, it’s still fast and impressive.

But being different also means it doesn’t have the iPhone apps. It has their own apps. But it’s popular. More popular than I expected. With over 70,000 available apps it comes pretty close to the iPhone.

What’s so good about it, really?

I was surprised to find out it had a 5-megapixel camera and 720 HD video recording compared to the 3 mp camera in the iPhone. However, when seeing both, the quality on both is pretty amazing but the iPhone is just so instinctive and simple to use that it takes the cake for me. And seriously, having a phone that gives me the opportunity to video chat, with the slight potential of calling the wrong number and seeing a hotty naked seals the deal.

Other comparisons are the size. The iPhone is actually a little bit smaller. But the screen quality, even with iPhone’s retina display, which knocks my socks off, actually doesn’t measure up to the Samsung. Yup, I’m seeing it and I still don’t believe it. Steve Jobs said amazing about 100 times in that conference but I guess he never saw the Samsung first.

I’m an accessory junky. I love all the case options for the iPhone, and the integration with iTunes is pretty awesome. I may need some more arm twisting to switch to an android phone. The marketing companies will have to do a better job than jumping on a ‘faulty’ antenna to get me to switch. After testing the iPhone 4, I’m just not seeing this antenna problem.

Here’s a complete in depth comparison between these two phones so you can judge for yourself.

Get your own Samsung Captivate Android Phone here


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2 Responses to “Samsung Captivate Android Phone vs The iPhone”

  1. 1 web design in Maidstone Sep 1st, 2010 at 8:08 AM

    🙂 thank you for a review… have to agree – in this battle big G gets a knockdown in 2nd round

    iphone rulles.. iPad sucks 🙂

    tx from the UK

    p.s. have you heard about this small and really cheap notebook coolers? 😉 absolute beauty 🙂

  2. 2 Compare phones side by side Jan 16th, 2018 at 5:27 AM

    Great post as usual. The best part is, your writing has always been very simple and clear and most importantly very informative. Thanks for sharing and keep writing.

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