Sexy Salt and Pepper shakers that look like batteries are pretty sweet

These awesome Salt and Pepper shakers give a whole new meaning to a Salt and Battery.

Yup. Pretty proud of myself about that one there.

Anyways. These are some fancy salt and pepper shakers called Salt and Power. I’m not too sure yet with the psychology behind why turning normal things into batteries suddenly makes them so much more appealing – but it does. It like..really really does. I love ’em. In fact, I’d even get them if they were, say, red and blue for example.

Damn I’m good!

In this photo you can see that it even tells you if you are running low. Glorious. But no seriously kids, don’t shake batteries. You’ll die. But shake these ones all you like!

But, not too much, because if you eat too much salt you will also die.

I hate to end a review on a sad note like that, so I’d like to finish by saying the sun will come out, tomorrow bet your bottom dollar, tomorrow.

There we go.

Check out the full review of these awesome shakers on Yanko Designs

Buy your own right here!

Or from Amazon right here

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2 Responses to “Sexy Salt and Pepper shakers that look like batteries are pretty sweet”

  1. 1 cool man Dec 1st, 2014 at 1:15 PM

    I hate this crap MAN MEGA MEN OUT!!!!!!

  2. 2 cool man Dec 1st, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    Piece OF SHIZZZZ!!!!

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