Robotic Junkyard Dog made of scrap is more fun than playing with garbage

robotic junkyard dog

This programmable “mutt” is made of scrap, electronic and has over 80 moves. By remote you can give him different movements, sounds and even display his desires for food. If you are savvy enough to “hack” him, you can even make him act like a cat. Not quite sure the appeal of having a cat, but a dog with wheels for back legs? Now we’re talking.

Hit the jump for more info and to get your own junkyard dog

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1 Response to “Robotic Junkyard Dog made of scrap is more fun than playing with garbage”

  1. 1 Awedog Jan 31st, 2011 at 12:58 PM

    I have one.igot it at radio shack for 10$

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