Reflective Biker Socks shows drivers where you are

Reflective Bike Socks

If you ride a bike at night, this gadget is for you. Simply put on these socks the next time you go riding and you’ll easily be spotted in traffic right away.

Not only do they make you more visible at night protecting you and your bike, they also protect your jeans from getting dirty. You’ll never have to worry about getting your jeans caught up in your gears ever again. Genius!

I do have to say though, if your riding habits are anything like the bikers in my area, these socks might make you more of a target than anything else. I’ve been having a hard time spotting the bikers at night but with these socks I’ll be able to time my acceleration towards them perfectly. Totally kidding…

Safety rules.

Unless you cut me off. Then you can feel my wrath Reflective Biker Socks! Feel my wrath indeed.

Get your own Reflective Biker Socks here

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