RedMere Technology creates the fastest, thinnest and most portable HDMI cables on the market

Ultra Thin and Portable HDMI Cables

What is RedMere technology? In simple terms, it’s an accelerator. With a RedMere chip in every cable you’ll receive the absolute best picture quality in a reduced weight and thin portable size. It’s something an HDMI cable has never seen before.

We tried out this cable and was very impressed with the quality. Cables powered by RedMere’s technology are only 25% of the size of a standard HDMI cable. They are light-weight and ultra-thin making them easier to bend and even hide under the carpet to reduce cable clutter.

Here are some RedMere Technology Specs:

• 1080p HD picture quality
• High speed rated at 10.2 gbps
• 55% thinner than comparable High Speed cables
• SuperThin makes it very easy to manage, remains flat under carpeting, and runs along walls unobtrusively
• Ultra flexible, bends at near right angles for no-hassle hookup in tight spaces

You can find RedMere technology in many market HDMI cables today and some even have an LED to indicate the HDMI signal status at all times.

To check out a list of places to purchase the cables that include RedMere Technology, check out the links below.

Get your RedMere HDMI cables here

Or Even more can be found here

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2 Responses to “RedMere Technology creates the fastest, thinnest and most portable HDMI cables on the market”

  1. 1 Tim Apr 18th, 2013 at 7:59 AM

    “We…was very impressed with the quality,” huh? Well, I don’t think “we” are very impressed with your grammar!

  2. 2 OneMoreGadget May 11th, 2013 at 5:14 PM

    Multiple personalities? You We I You Who?

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