Rain, you’re going down. It’s a Ninja Samurai Umbrella

Samurai Umbrella

This Samurai Umbrella protects you from the rain with honour. The handle looks like the real deal so all your friends will think you are pretty rad.

However I would advise to not take this umbrella with you through airport security. Unless of course you like attention. And when I say attention I mean a hand-up-the-butt airport security kind of attention. Not rad.

Did you know a Samurai could easily walk through airport security without a problem? Respect.

Did you know a real Samurai doesn’t even need an umbrella? They can walk in the rain and not get wet. Not even a drop. Double respect.

Did you know that this umbrella is 39 inches long?


Hit the jump to get yourself your own Samurai Umbrella here

Or get one with a handy carrying strap from DX here

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