Rain Wars? Star Destroyer Umbrella fights the force of mother nature

These aren’t the rain drops you’re looking for.

Introducing ‘The Star Wars Star Destroyer Umbrella’. A unique triangular shaped umbrella that folds up just like any other ordinary umbrella. But unlike other umbrellas, this one can withstand the force of a hurricane. Or an attack of a rebel fleet. In space.

The handle is a similar material to the graphite shaft of a golf club, the waterproof fabric is adhered tightly to the frame and all this awesomeness actually weighs less than a golf umbrella with the coolness factor of 100. And when I say coolness factor I mean factor in the chances of never seeing a woman’s genitals ever again.

Unfortunately the Star Destroyer Umbrella is just at concept stage here at OneMoreGadget but as always, we’re open to offers!

Arghrugrhuarhaurghu (chewbacca)

Some SW trivia for true fans: the lightsaber used by Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) in the SW prequel trilogy is the same used by Alec Guinnes in the original trilogy. In the 1977 Italian version of the trilogy some characters had different names: Vader was known as Darth Fener (!) and the two most famous droids C-3PO and R2-D2 were D3BO and C1P8. Play on android casino and SW games.

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11 Responses to “Rain Wars? Star Destroyer Umbrella fights the force of mother nature”

  1. 1 Carl Mar 12th, 2012 at 8:38 AM

    We just went through your site for your products, and we deemed it necessary to request for the purchase of a PRINTED UMBRELLA. Nevertheless, we would like to get your fairest quotation and estimated time of delivery.
    Type of Umbrella;
    Compact Umbrella or
    Starwars Inspired Umbrella
    White and Blue
    White and Blue
    Kindly e mail me the quotations for a quantity of 50pcs, act work and printing cost.


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