Punch me straight in the heart, this is awesome, a Heart Hole Punch

Heart Hole Punch

Holy Heart Punch Batman! Is this what I think it is?

Yes it is!

This quality hole punch is not only useful, it’s the perfect office accessory for your Valentine. Just think, every paper you punch will be filled with the perfect little hearts instead of those boring circles. Circles are so lame.

Honestly. I can’t even see the use for circles anymore.

A heart is truly the perfect shape. 2 points and 2 round parts. Coincidentally that’s the exact same way I describe the perfect woman.

And yup. I’ll be spending this Valentines day alone.

So lonely.

Fill that hole in your heart and get your Heart Hole Punch here

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2 Responses to “Punch me straight in the heart, this is awesome, a Heart Hole Punch”

  1. 1 Bargainmoose Feb 8th, 2012 at 3:21 PM

    I instantly wanted one of these when I read this post…I think it’s time I invest in my first heart hole punch! This is one of those gadgets that I wish I thought of!

  2. 2 OneMoreGadget Feb 8th, 2012 at 7:57 PM

    I know eh? Well, there’s always other shapes! Like stars, lips, or … One More Gadget gears!

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