Possibly the freakiest thing ever, a facebank that eats your money and looks like a monkey

I hate this thing. It freaks the crap out of me. Its a desktop bank that comes in several different colours and basically looks like a monkey. All I have to say is thank God it doesn’t speak cause I’d be having nightmares for weeks.

Just put your money in its mouth and it will start chewing until it swallows your money completely. Please do not ask where the money goes and do not ask the monkey for change.

Below is a sourced video from youtube that we did not make, but we felt important to put here to grasp the intensity of the mechanical chewing sounds. Slightly reminiscent of fingers on a chalkboard, it basically makes this item the perfect holiday gift.

Click here to buy and learn more about the freaky monkey FACEBANK

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1 Response to “Possibly the freakiest thing ever, a facebank that eats your money and looks like a monkey”

  1. 1 seeingblu Sep 27th, 2009 at 7:34 PM

    oh my god. D8 that thing . . . i’m not going to be sleeping tonight. not a wink.

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