Possibly the coolest evolution of the sticky note, ever. Handy Notes

Hand Signs Sticky Note Pad

Handy notes. Single-handedly giving regular sticky notes a back hand slap!

These sticky notes are designed to literally be a hand-up on the competition. When you write a note you can choose which hand signal to show. Whether it be a wave hello, a point to the dressing in a the fridge or even flipping your thieving office worker the bird – you can do it all with Handy Notes.

Handy Notes Sticky Notes

Handy Notes. Rock on.

I’ll give you a hand, grab your Hand Notes right here

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1 Response to “Possibly the coolest evolution of the sticky note, ever. Handy Notes”

  1. 1 The North Face Clearance Oct 22nd, 2013 at 9:37 AM

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