Pop one a day with a 2010 Bubble Wrap Calendar


I like this Calendar. It’s theraputic. But it’s also a true test of restraint. I really don’t think I could get through a whole year with popping only one a day. Unless I substituted my popping addiction, filled the void, so to speak, with something else. Like one of those chocolate-a-day calendars. Now we’re talking.

There is something very satisfying about popping bubble wrap. It’s almost like popping a zit, but less messy. And when done correctly, you don’t end up with bleeding scars on your face.

It’s also a great idea for the office. Unless it’s an office like mine. I’d put it up on the wall and it would be the fastest year in existence. Vultures.

Get your own bubble wrap calendar here

or just get that urge out of your system by popping some virtual bubble wrap here

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1 Response to “Pop one a day with a 2010 Bubble Wrap Calendar”

  1. 1 Meredith May 31st, 2010 at 10:00 AM

    OMG!!!!! I want one NOW!!!! I love to pop bubble wrap. This would be so neat to have.

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