Photoshop Magnet Kit for a Design Nuts’ Fridge

If you love Photoshop and own a fridge, these magnets might be for you. It’s a sure fire way to make any photo you post on your fridge look Photoshopped.

What else can I say about Photoshop magnets except that I am disappointed they didn’t include a magnet for the cursor. Next maybe I’ll create some photoshop banners to hang throughout the house. Yup. I’m a nerd.

Get your own nerdy Photoshop fridge magnets here on ThinkGeek

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84 Responses to “Photoshop Magnet Kit for a Design Nuts’ Fridge”

  1. 1 Edy Jul 19th, 2011 at 7:02 AM

    I agree on the statement above

  2. 2 OneMoreGadget Jul 20th, 2011 at 7:30 PM

    Wow. Thank you for the compliments! Those comments weren’t shopped, I swear.

  3. 3 built in fridge Jun 1st, 2012 at 5:14 PM

    wow what a good idea, I love it, haha!

  4. 4 Dan Jul 24th, 2012 at 1:13 AM

    on sale “PHOTOSHOP MAG” fridge magnet – photo frame is a new improved version of a most popular graphic set for photographers and designers.

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