I love Hot Dogs. Almost enough to buy a Hot Dog Toaster.
They have fake ones on Amazon, but after watching a video of a dude who got one for Christmas, he seems to disapprove. I’d post the video here, but I didn’t make it so I’m not going to. Let me just describe it to you.
He was over weight.
He had red hair.
And his wieners fit in the toaster but his buns were too big.
That seems to be reoccurring review for the hot dog toaster. I’m still a little skeptical. Being the BBQ type of guy that I am, I don’t see how buns can toast at the same time as a weenie. But then again, in this crazy world we live in, nothing seizes to amaze.
don’t I get cred for this one?
“nothing *seizes* to amaze”?
You’d really have to like hotdogs an *awful* lot to want to buy this. Interesting idea though!