Perfect for your sweetheart, check out these lovely Love Stamps

Love Stamps Love Hearts

Here’s some love that’s totally sugar free but just as sweet! Love Stamps. Awesome little stampers with our favorite sweet heart candy phrases!

Amazingly these little red stamps of passion demonstrate a progression of my ‘three date’ rule: The first date you “Smile”. The second date you “Call me”. The third date its all “Love You”.

Ah yes, but if only it stopped there. Although I guess it’s never a good idea to make a stamp that says “3 am booty calls, don’t answer the phone, skip town, change your number, call police and get a restraining order”.

Love. It ain’t easy.

But. If you are one of the lucky ones to have a real Valentine, instead of candy this year, why don’t you give your little sweety one of these instead? Write your honey a love note and seal it with a love stamp just to make it official.

Yup. Love Stamps. It’s all you need.

Buy these Love Stamps right here, you’re gonna love me for it

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