Paying my compliments to the condiments, it’s Salt & Pepper Robots

Salt and Pepper Robots

Introducing retro wind-up Salt & Pepper ‘Bots! How awesome are they?

These little guys love chillin’ and hanging out. But they also enjoy long walks across kitchen tables, and the occasional shake down. Especially when it’s fish and chips night. One look at those cooked potatoes and some battered fish and they’re dancing the electronic boogie.

Robot Package Design

These wind-up robots come in some pretty sweet retro packaging with some funky illustrations all around the box. They’re about 3 inches in height and nicely balanced to walk straight for about 3 feet. Which is exactly one inch longer than the length of my arm. Coincidence?

The Kitchen Table Tragedy

Ah, robots. Their humor is spot on, but their jokes? A little rusty.

Do the Robot and buy the Salt & Pepper Wind-Up Robots here

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