Pantone Espresso Coffee Mugs are perfect for Designers and um yah, pretty sweet


These Pantone Coffee Mugs are the perfect gifts for designers. They even come with saucers so you can feel a little more “British”. I’m putting “British” in quotes cause it’s ironic. No one really wants to be “British”, that’s just silly. The ones featured above are from a new set called Espresso. I’m guessing because the colours look like that of an Espresso. But you decide.

Anyway, these mugs are basically on the wishlist of every Graphic Designer because solid colours are sexy. If you haven’t noticed, they are the “in” thing. Just like accents. They also come in other sexy colours that are less “coffee-like” and less “British-like” just in case you don’t have an accent or you don’t like coffee.

Like these for example:


But if you ask me, the only real mug worth getting is the orange one. Cause it’s orange. And it’s awesome. And if I were you, I’d fill that bad boy up with some Vanilla Steamed Milk. Mmm. Vanilla Steamed Milk. Arghugguhghugh.

Get your Pantone Designer Coffee Mugs here

Way more cool mugs from thinkgeek here

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1 Response to “Pantone Espresso Coffee Mugs are perfect for Designers and um yah, pretty sweet”

  1. 1 katherine Jul 24th, 2009 at 8:06 PM

    you crack me up

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