Introducing our ever-growing list of The Coolest Tea Infusers Around! Follow us on Twitter to find out when new ones are added to the list.
1. Sharky Tea Infuser
We’re going to need a bigger cup.
The Sharky Tea Infuser is sure to cause some ‘agony of the leaves’. He floats around the surface of your cup and is actually designed to circle your spoon with every stir. It almost appears… to be following you…creepy.
Catch this Sharky Tea-Infuser here
2. Tea Lights – Glow In the Dark Tea Bags
Okay, this one isn’t actually tea, looks like it. Each pack consists of a cup filled with a chemical intermediate and a tea bag containing fluorescent molecules. The light only appears when the tea bag is dropped into the cup which results in a beautiful chemical reaction.
The Tea Light is a pretty nifty invention but only lasts awhile. Hey, nothing lasts forever, even perfection.
Read more about the invention here
3. Yellow Submarine
Well, it definitely looks too small for us all to live in, but we sure can infuse some serious flavor with this bad boy.
The Yellow Submarine tea infuser almost looks like it’s leaking oil in your cup. So deep 6 this baby and watch the flavor infuse. Ah yes, tasty, tasty oil. Mmm. Tea oil. Arhunhunrhugnrhughu.
Submerge yourself with a Yellow Submarine Tea Infuser right here
4. Tovolo Tea Infusers
These slick and fancy tea infusers actually come from Bed Bath and Beyond. Not only do they look nice, they are great because you never have to fish it out of your cup or mug. The stand will stop the drips and also let you keep the leaves aside for re-brewing another cup.
Suitably enough, this tea infuser kinda looks like a broom. A broom that comes in lots of amazing colours. And the best colour for a Tea Infuser? The Teal, of course.
Clean up the drips and get the Tovolo Tea Infuser here
5. Just Ducky
Made by that little puffball at Pilsbury, this cute duck floats around your cup infusing your tea with his bum. Just store him in his little swimming stand and quack it open for later. He’ll happily make you another cup of tea, just make sure you give him a proper bath when you’re all done.
Hit the Jump to get your own Just Ducky Tea Infuser here …more of ‘The Greatest List of the Coolest Tea Infusers Around’
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