This awesome drum kit is made for the person that just can’t keep their fingers still. It comes complete with all the sounds of a full size drum kit, and is definitely just as fun to play with.
It even comes with a demo button so you can see the entire drum set in action with some awesome preset beats.

The drum kit not only makes cool sounds, it also lights up to boot! So we can drum at night, or even hold your own night time concerts for your friends.
On another note. I’m in the process of training my pet hamster, Marly, to drum for my band. So far he’s doing pretty good with this new drum set. We’re still working on the snare drum, instead of the 360 degree finger spin and ending with the drum roll he just hides in his toilet roll and pees.
It’s a minor detail but we are going to hold all our performances until this issue gets sorted out.
Get your own finger drums here from Find Me A Gift
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Here’s some love that’s totally sugar free but just as sweet! Love Stamps. Awesome little stampers with our favorite sweet heart candy phrases!
Amazingly these little red stamps of passion demonstrate a progression of my ‘three date’ rule: The first date you “Smile”. The second date you “Call me”. The third date its all “Love You”.
Ah yes, but if only it stopped there. Although I guess it’s never a good idea to make a stamp that says “3 am booty calls, don’t answer the phone, skip town, change your number, call police and get a restraining order”.
Love. It ain’t easy.
But. If you are one of the lucky ones to have a real Valentine, instead of candy this year, why don’t you give your little sweety one of these instead? Write your honey a love note and seal it with a love stamp just to make it official.
Yup. Love Stamps. It’s all you need.
Buy these Love Stamps right here, you’re gonna love me for it
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Here’s a great device that’s twice as good as the competition, literally. It’s a Monaco 3.1 AMP Extreme Charge Car Power Adapter. It can easily charge two USB devices in your car at the same time and does it nice and quick to boot!
The first port is a 2.1 AMP charger that features a hi-speed charge and the ability to charge up an iPad or a Tablet.
The second USB port delivers 1 AMP for your smartphones, iPod and iPhones for a safe and rapid recharge.
This is definitely the best solution for people on the go that have more than one device in the car.
As always, the Monaco brand is well-made, designed with smooth lines and cool colours, and of course, does a great job.
I personally can’t recommend actually using two devices at the same time while driving. Unless you are an expert multitasker like myself. Because as I speak to you, writing this review, I am also arm wrestling a monkey while using my big toe to tickle a midget.*
Piece of cake.
Pick up your own multi-tastking universal auto charger right here
*Of course I meant a little person. No angry comments please, unless you are multitasking and writing happy comments at the same time on our facebook page.
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This gadget boggles my mind. I’ve seen it and I still don’t believe it.
Okay, okay, you got me. It’s just an optical illusion. Each Lasso Wine Bottle Holder is made from chromed iron and covered with the rope to make it appear like it’s just rope. The swinging bit at the end adds to the effect.
So don’t worry, your wine bottle is as sturdy and safe as can be.
Possibly the best thing about this gadget is that if you ever find yourself out of wine, you have lasso to go grab yourself another bottle with.
Get your wine bottle holder and lasso one up right here
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