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Has got to be the best of The Beatles, the Sergeant Pepper Grinder

Sergeant Pepper Mill

You may not have passed the audition, but you can surely pass the pepper with this awesome Sergeant Pepper Table Top Grinder!

With the striking resemblance to George Harrison from The Beatles, this pepper grinder will definitely spice up your dinner conversation. If you are making a 4 egg omelet, then all you need is seasoning. Or love.

Same thing.

The Facts:

  • Beatles Sergeant Pepper is 21cm high
  • Unscrew the tip to fill with salt or pepper
  • Made from painted beech wood
  • Can be used for fine or coarse granules

Can I just say this works amazingly? I feel bad twisting the head of my buddy George here, but he doesn’t seem to mind. Such a trim waist line, must be from removing all that salt from his diet. And the carbs.

Get your own Beatles Sergeant Pepper Grinder right here

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Clean it all and just add water, the Ultimate Cloth with MiraFiber technology

the Ultimate Cloth Canada

We’ve all heard of the Sham-Wow, and really, it’s just a shammy. You may have all fallen into the trap at the trade shows and ended up with a roll or two like myself. Whoops.

But here’s something you won’t regret, it’s the Ultimate Cloth and all you need to do is just add water.

We had the luck of being able to check out The Ultimate Cloth™. It’s the newest type of material (mirafiber) that completely replaces any other cloth and paper towel in your house. It’s a patented material that has 100’s of uses and has some really great attributes. Mirafiber, not to be confused with MicroFiber is actually more durable, has finer fibers, removes film, oil and grease and is perfect for glass and other surfaces.

What I like most about it is that it’s washable and guaranteed to last up to 5 years. Not only is it machine washable, it’s bleachable too and very durable.

Best of all this product can do the cleaning with just water without the need for chemicals and cleaners. Just wring it out, soak it in soapy water and hang it up to dry.

Get your own Ultimate Cloth right here

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Intel and Toshiba pair up with a brilliant interactive social film starring you in this sponsored video

Interactive Social Media Film

When great new products are created, the true magic is just beginning. Social media is still on new grounds with everyone exploring fresh ways to get people involved, inspired, and most importantly talking about the idea – and the accompanying brands.

Intel and Toshiba have teamed up to create something entirely new in the social media world. An idea formulated to incorporate a public casting call that puts YOU the viewer in their Interactive Social Film.

This film is directed by Drake Doremus (Sundance Film Festival Grand Jury Award for Like Crazy), and stars the beautiful Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Topher Grace (That 70s Show), and of course all of you! It’s Hollywood’s first film that gives the audience a chance to play the lead role.

The video is about Alex, a 20-something male who lives in Los Angeles, restores antiques and wakes up every day with a new physical appearance – something that has been happening throughout his life. As Alex navigates the trials and tribulations that come from his ever-changing appearance, he carries and uses a Toshiba Portégé® Ultrabook™ which also serves as his personal journal.
The film stars Topher Grace and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, however, the main character is up for grabs! A global, online casting call will run via Facebook and viewers can audition for the chance to play one of the roles of Alex. Because Alex’s appearance keeps changing, multiple people will be chosen to play him, and auditions will continue until the project ends on Sept. 20.

Check out the trailer below to see what it’s all about.

As you can see it’s quite the clever idea to get everyone involved and still have the storyline work with the marketing idea. So what do you think? Can you see yourself in this film? I can. Right there smooching ole Mary Elizbeth Winstead. Oh wait, that’s not a part in the movie?

Well the script is still a work in progress. Don’t worry. I’ll get on that.

On a side note, I am really enjoying the creative trend in marketing these days. It’s putting traditional thinking on the back burners and creating this whole new wave of Artvertising.

To audition to be in the film, click here

This post is sponsored by Intel & Toshiba

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Wiretap and Rockit are headphone splitters with smarter capabilities

Rockit and Wiretap

These handy little dongles are mic-headphone splitters called the Wiretap and the Rockit.

The splitters are dongle-style, compact, very well made and quite durable! Each dongle has it’s own special function.

The Wiretap splits one headphone to two, while preserving microphone functionality on one side. Why might you need this? Well check it out:

• You can now use karaoke apps and voice modifying apps on your iPhone in real-time. Like Auto-Tune, I Am T-Pain and other awesome iPhone apps all while plugging it into your stereo at the same time.
• Answer a phone call in the car without fumbling with wires and listen to your call through your stereo hands-free.
• Using Square or Paypal ‘Here’ credit card readers works perfectly without losing your iPod or iPad’s audio out functionality.
• You and your buddy can listen to the same iPod/iPad/computer/DVD player, just like regular splitters without loss of sound quality!

Wiretap and Rockit

The Rockit splits the modern combo jack into the legacy 2-pin mic in, and 3 pin audio out jacks. This is good because:

• Use of legacy headsets AND microphones with modern devices.
• Split audio in and out for musical apps such as Garageband and many more so it’s perfect for the DJ’s out there.

These handy little gadgets are a must have for your musical devices. Grab ’em up quick!

Get your Wiretap or Rockit right here

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