Archive Page 18

Use the Macs light to power the Dark Side with this Darth Vader MacBook Vinyl Decal

Darth Vader MacBook Decal

I’m quite the fan of this Darth Vader MacBook decal. It makes me happy.

I’ve been seeing quite a large number of very creative decals since first introducing MacBook decals way back when the MacBook first came out. Isn’t it amazing what a little creativity can do?

So you may think that a trend like this is already over saturated, but I believe the best is yet to come. In fact, you can check out our online shop for what we believe are the best MacBook decals around.

Grab this vinyl decal here and join the Darkside

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Make people talk to the hand with these all-attitude YES NO Gloves

Answer to nobody with Yes No Gloves

Ah yes, the world of lazy. Sometimes I’m asked really lame things on a daily basis. Things so lame I wish I didn’t even have to answer.

Well if you are in the same boat as me, you’ll be delighted to know that you don’t have to put the effort in to answer people anymore. Just hold up your glove and make ’em talk to the hand.

Because the ears, they ain’t listening.

YES, I will buy these.

NO,  I won’t eat your Ghost Chips.

As you can see from the photo above, she’s been hanging out with me far too much. Her ‘Yes’ hand is clearly exhausted from overuse.

If you know what I’m saying.*

Maybe you should make up your mind and get these Yes No Gloves right here

*She just can’t say no. Obviously. Ladies.
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Get the whole wide world in this can, it’s the Whole World in a Can

We've got the whole wide world in this can

We’ve got the whole wide world in this can, we’ve got The Whole World In A Can. Yup. It’s perfect for a song, and great for spinning on a finger.

This 10″ vinyl inflatable globe comes complete with all the countries, even the ity bity guys. You know who you are.

Best of all, it’s waterproof and great for the beach. In fact, it just might be the coolest beach ball we’ve seen.

Did you know that Iceland is actually grassy and Greenland is icey? True story Hanzel. Weird hunh. You can’t tell from this globe, but I thought that you should know.

This product is pretty cool. I have to admit I felt pretty maniacal blowing up the planet. And I wasn’t even winded, probably because I’m in tremendous shape.


Grab your own inflatable globe and other cool products right here


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Send Bat Signals from your car with these Batman Brake Light Covers

Bat Signals Brake Light Covers

Okay, so you may not be able to afford a BieberMobile (aka. Just Biebers Batmobile) but you can do the next best thing with these brake light covers.

This Vinyl Decal Mask Kit gives your Third Brake Light the appearance of the Bat Symbol allowing you to speak the two greatest words each and every time you exit your car.

I’m Batman.

And that my friends, is rad.

Like über rad.

Biebers Batmobile

I can’t imagine even needing a fancier car if i had this brake light on my old crapper of a honda, why? Because I’m Batman.

Take that Bieber.

Slow down and grab your own Batman Brake Light Decals here

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