One More Gadget’s top picks of 2008

Casio Retro Watches

11. Casio Retro DBC32 Series Wrist Watch Databanks

Calling it just a watch is a total understatement. This watch is the way a watch should be, defining what geek-chic is to a whole new level. All you need now is some multi-colour high-tops and you are good to go. (beat box is optional).

Get your own kick ass watch here.

10. The Trumpet Harmonica.

Thats right folks, take possibly the easiest instrument in the world to play and arguably the hardest instrument to play and you end up with the most ridiculous thing you’d ever want to put your lips to. I’ve known a few girls in my day that have put their lips to even more ridiculous things but that almost goes without saying.

This item is actually sold out across the globe, but for more details click here.

9. Jell-O Orange Wedges

We do understand that this isn’t a gadget, but its one of the wackiest and simplest thing ever, we know you want to do it. And of course, because it is orange it automatically belongs on One More Gadget. Learn how to make your own Orange Jell-O Wedges here.

Hollow Spy Coins

8. Hollow Spy Coins

Think of the possibilities! Memory chips, crack, world’s smallest explosive devices, chemicals, miscellaneous liquids…hamster condoms. You name it.

Buy your very own smuggling coin here

7. Light up night frisbee

We’re not going to lie to you, this is no ordinary frisbee. It lights up like a cop car, red, blue and orange, flashing around and around in a circle. It also has these wicked tubes along the middle to the outside that strobe the light. We do feel though that the customer is a little misled by it having a picture of a St Bernard dog on it. Dogs are cool and all but if one of those slobbering dogs ever get a hold of this frisbee you can kiss it goodbye.

This ten inch 3 LED translucent frisbee can be bought here for under 12 bucks.

Custom Baseball

6. Custom made baseballs

The idea of putting a face of someone you love, or yourself, if you love yourself, on a baseball makes this thing a pretty sweet gadget. I personally think it’s awesome. Think about the possibilities, for a second. You don’t even need a brick anymore to throw a note through your ex’s window. Instead just put your message on this baseball and warm up that pitching arm and boom, outta here.

Get your custom made baseballs here.

5. 100 tons of Tissues

Okay, its not really 100 tons of tissues, that would be ridiculous. It’s just possibly one of the coolest tissue holders around, a plush cartoon bomb tissue holder! When you have a bad cold, you might has well have a sense of humor, blow your nose, literally.

Blow your nose with this cool plush tissue holder here

4. Scabs bandages / bandaids

Picture this: You are going to your ex’s wedding and you want to look hot. So you grab a curling iron to pretty yourself up. But instead of curling your hair you burn your forehead and have no idea what to do because you have this big welt on your head. Great night. Well, as lovely as you are, you might wish you had one of these, a scab bandage, you know, just for fun.

Get your own scabs (we think that is the grossest word on the planet) here.

3. A 3-D USB webcam

This Minoru3D dual lens USB webcam creates a 3D video. How cool is that? All I can think about is somehow relating this to the porn industry and making millions.I can’t help but be scared by the design of this, it almost looks like a sex toy combined with wall-e or an iRobot had sex with Johnny 5. Meh, oh well, still pretty awesome.

Get your own 3D robot / webcam here

Ninja Magnets

2. Ninja Throwing Star Magnets

These are great for everywhere, even on your fridge. If you have a metal plate in your head just stick these to your head and put notes under them.

1. Crime Scene Do Not Cross Scarf

Notice how our model there didn’t cross the scarf. She’s smart. Okay, we will confess this is only at number 1 because of who’s wearing it, and seriously, did you actually think this list was linear? Foolish One More Gadget Readers.

Get your Crime Scene Scarf Here

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1 Response to “One More Gadget’s top picks of 2008”

  1. 1 Mariah Mirza Mar 8th, 2009 at 3:42 AM

    Hi. When it all come to opinions, everyone has its own; specially regarding \”e Gadget’s top picks of 2008 | One More Gadget\”. Have you seen a good candy coins?

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