Normally I’d put a bird on it, but in this case I’ll accept a Pickle or Bacon Bandage

Bacon Bandages Band-aids

You know what I always say? If your body is achin’ – grab some bacon. If you cut yourself a mean slice, you better ham it up with these awesome bacon bandages. Each tin comes with 15 sterile strips of bacon delight, perfectly seasoned for those little ouchies.

Get your bacon bandages here

Pickle Bandages

It’s not easy being green. Fortunately for you they have these green pickle bandages which will make your life a little easier. Especially when you are in a pickle and have an injury. Warning: People may find these jarring.

Sorry, had to do it.

Get your pickle bandages here

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1 Response to “Normally I’d put a bird on it, but in this case I’ll accept a Pickle or Bacon Bandage”

  1. 1 Michelle Mar 4th, 2012 at 9:23 AM

    “jarring”??? “…gaaaaaaaaaaaaa 😛

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