New York City Sewer Floor Rug is the definition of Urban Design

Is it just me, or is this awesome?

The N.Y.C. Sewer Rug is possibly the coolest floor rug I have ever seen. Not only do you get to wake up in the middle of the night and wonder if the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be sneaking into your house, you’ll also have a great reason for not picking up after yourself and a great explanation for all the rats in your apartment. It’s so cool, it’s worth long sentences.

Think about it.

If for some strange reason you don’t heart New York City, they also come in other designs for other cities, like San Fransisco, and Boston. These would look pretty cool in a loft, or, if you’re a Turtle, on your ceiling.

Get your own City Sewer Floor Rugs here

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2 Responses to “New York City Sewer Floor Rug is the definition of Urban Design”

  1. 1 rugs Jul 26th, 2009 at 11:43 PM

    Who is the designer of this rug and what company is selling it?

  2. 2 dkingot Jun 6th, 2011 at 9:27 AM

    i want to buy a NYC sewer rug but can’t find it for sale online. Who has one? I’ll buy it off of you.

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