Mooove over night lights, the Milk Light is coming through

LED Milk Light

The milk light is a PVC cup that emits a soothing white glow via a single LED. A cool feature of this night light is the on/off switch. To turn it off, simply turn the cup upside down and presto! – the light goes out. Also,  because it uses a low powered LED, it’s sure to light up when you need it the most.

Milk Carton Packaging

And even if you are lactose intolerant, you’ll be sure to appreciate the packaging. The whole idea is brilliant, with a side of 2% genius.

Get your own milk night light here

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1 Response to “Mooove over night lights, the Milk Light is coming through”

  1. 1 Kate May 6th, 2011 at 4:25 AM

    this is really nice! Its cool to have this in my kid’s bed or even give as a gift to my nieces. really really cute night light 🙂

    Kate Gasset

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