Mo:Ben, a tiny portable food container with a built-in heater

Our good neighbours from down under have created the Mo:Ben. It’s a handy little compact food container inspired by the Japanese Bento Box. It’s a compact design so you can take it anywhere, pack anything and even has a spot for your fork and spoon/knife. Which somewhat resembles a spork and a spnife which I can proudly say was invented by a Canadian. Overall this is pretty sweet. It makes being lazy actually look cool – which I admire. And to top it off, it’s dishwasher safe.

What did you think I was going to say? It’s orange?

It’s a given.

Get your own Mo:Ben which also comes in other colours than orange

Thanks to Trish the Dish, who thinks hot food is for pussies, for the link
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6 Responses to “Mo:Ben, a tiny portable food container with a built-in heater”

  1. 1 first Aug 3rd, 2009 at 10:41 PM

    fork and spoon, you mean.

  2. 2 first Aug 4th, 2009 at 1:11 PM

    fork and spoon, you mean.
    P.S.: Forgot to mention good post!

  3. 3 danny maciel Jun 20th, 2010 at 6:13 PM

    how can i buy mo:ben ?

  4. 4 OneMoreGadget Jun 20th, 2010 at 6:37 PM

    Hey there Danny, there is a link at the bottom of the post for more info on the Mo:Ben. Ch ch ch check it out.

  5. 5 Felipe Castro Dec 2nd, 2011 at 12:08 PM

    That’s a cool idea. I always take my food to college and the line to the microwaves are huge. I’m from Chili, is there any chance I can have one delivered? I tried checking on the link below the article but it doesn’t mention whether they do international deliveries.

  6. 6 Mimi Wong Haymond Apr 29th, 2015 at 8:18 PM

    Where can I buy one? I am in the USA. California

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