Mmmvelopes that taste like Bacon!

Bacon Mmmvelopes

Because we all know “Everything should taste like bacon”, so here’s another treat for your taste buds.

This might be the end to e-mail as we know it. Brace yourselves. Not only do these delectable looking envelopes LOOK like bacon, they also taste like bacon when you lick them! Perfecto!

OMG Tip: Next time you are mailing out your résumé, mail it with one of these. For extra effect, include a piece of bacon in your cover letter. Expect immediate employment and a corner office with a view.

Get your own bacon flavored envelopes here

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2 Responses to “Mmmvelopes that taste like Bacon!”

  1. 1 Maidstone Classifieds Jun 6th, 2010 at 6:22 AM

    Everything should taste like bacon? hahaha.. 😀

    our world goes bananas… or is it what we call progress?

    thank you for sharing 🙂

  2. 2 Greg Jun 8th, 2010 at 8:59 AM

    These are good for sending love letters to the fat girl I met at the mall outside the AdditionElle 14+ store.

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