Michelangelo’s Fat David

Michelangelo's Fat Statue of David

Classic art is big these days. Real big.

This is a resculpt of Michelangelo’s famous statue of David through the eyes of today, if David had discovered an obsession with fast food. The result?

Fat. Real fat.

Micky D stylez.

This hand-cast designer resin statue is perfect for the home or garden, but I personally think this deserves to be in a museum.

It makes me wonder what it would be like if someone made a statue of me. I thought it would take up less resin because I am thin, but I’d need a much much bigger leaf.

Probably a palm.

More pics and where to buy Fat David after the jump

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1 Response to “Michelangelo’s Fat David”

  1. 1 Helmuts May 16th, 2010 at 1:13 AM

    🙂 the idea is perfect! If the product is yours you have to find a way how to make money from it. Perfect!

    p.s. probably could use sunglasses

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