Martha Stewart would not approve of these shower curtains, but Norman Bates on the other hand…

Psycho Shower Curtain

Having some people stay at your place this weekend? Time to redecorate with a Blood Bath Shower Curtain!

These Psycho shower curtains are excellent to put up in your guest bathroom, it’s a total scream. You can pretty much guarantee your guests will only end up staying one night – and probably never use the shower.

It’s also a great finishing touch to your Halloween party decorating. And best of all, the price is to die for.

Hit the jump to buy your Psycho Shower Curtains here

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2 Responses to “Martha Stewart would not approve of these shower curtains, but Norman Bates on the other hand…”

  1. 1 Michelle McKendry May 18th, 2011 at 6:30 PM

    worst. pun. ever. (or maybe the best….depends on your point of view 🙂

  2. 2 OneMoreGadget May 19th, 2011 at 12:45 PM

    Personally, I thought the joke was killer.

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