Make your own Christmas Gadget: An expandable Christmas Stocking

Expandable Christmas Stocking

This is so great. Here’s how you make this even more successful:

1. Pretend to be humble like myself and hang a small little stocking on the fireplace this Christmas. This will show people that you aren’t really expecting much.

2. In time people will like you, respect you and for some reason, naturally feel sorry for you. This results in an incremental – feeling sorry to gifts recieved ratio.

3. The trick is to not make the stocking too small as to deter people from thinking you can’t be given anything, you have to give them the illusion that recieving something is possible and will actually make a difference.

4. Presto! Christmas has arrived and all the gifts have come pouring in! And wait, there’s still room! Suckers!

Hit the jump for a step by step on how to make this Expandable Christmas Stocking.

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