Looxcie Wearable Bluetooth Camcorder System with White Camera Boom, Power Supply, Micro USB Cable, Ear Buds

Looxcie Wearable Camcorder

This camera is awesome. It fits perfectly on your ear so you can record everything, and I do mean “everything” absolutely hands-free.

The Looxcie Wearable Bluetooth Camcorder System comes with:

• White Camera Boom
• Power Supply
• Micro USB Cable
• Ear Buds
• Awesomeness
• Time Machine-Like Abilities

The coolest thing about this camera is that it’s always recording and it’s always on. Why you ask? Because whenever you see something you want to capture press the ‘instant clip’ button and it will save the last thirty seconds you just watched. So now you can literally save those moments you thought you’d never see again.

It’s pretty much an instant replay on life. Personally I’m never going to take mine off now. I see a lot of amazing things on a daily basis. Like this morning I saw an overweight elderly woman slip on her driveway while holding a watermelon and furby. Remember those old toys? Who the heck still buys Furby’s?!

Anyways it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. If I had this Looxcie Camcorder I could have instant replayed it and became a youtube sensation over night. I’d probably already have a remix.

“Old Granny with Furby Lands On Her Watermelon” Missed opportunities people. Missed opportunities.

Get your own Looxcie Wearable Camcorder here

More Features:

  • Wearable camcorder continuously videos everything you see
  • Instant Clip button lets you retroactively save 30-second clips
  • Review and edit video using your compatible smartphone
  • Share video instantly via Facebook, YouTube, or email
  • Automatically stores up to five hours of footage
  • Backed by a one-year warranty

Get your own Looxcie Wearable Camcorder here

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5 Responses to “Looxcie Wearable Bluetooth Camcorder System with White Camera Boom, Power Supply, Micro USB Cable, Ear Buds”

  1. 1 martin Aug 11th, 2015 at 7:46 AM

    how i can to gate it. and how much i have to pay it. thank’u. i’ll wait your answer soon

  2. 2 angel Nov 11th, 2015 at 5:18 AM

    I love with micro USB Cabel, that realy best. Thanks

  3. 3 Linda Mar 19th, 2016 at 8:58 PM

    very nice, I like your posts, because it is very useful for me and I love it with a Micro USB Cable because it is very good. Thanks….

  4. 4 Auto Release Jun 23rd, 2016 at 9:44 AM



  5. 5 SUV Feb 14th, 2017 at 9:38 AM

    very nice post, I really like the camera, it looks very cool, simple and beautiful. Thanks

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