Lets celebrate Christmas by letting someone else do the work for once: The worlds most eleborately decorated houses

Vancouver Gingerbread House

This is the real deal folks. These people actually dressed up their house to look like a gingerbread house. I’m almost certain this isn’t the hanzel house, I’m not even concerned if there is an evil witch inside. The thing that disturbs me those most is trying to figure out where the heck they put all this crap when it’s not Christmas?

Check out the rest of worlds most elaborately decorated Christmas themed homes

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2 Responses to “Lets celebrate Christmas by letting someone else do the work for once: The worlds most eleborately decorated houses”

  1. 1 mindy Nov 28th, 2009 at 12:14 AM

    can you tell me what you used to cover your home? it is perfect.

  2. 2 radfire Mar 2nd, 2010 at 10:40 AM

    Its awesome! I wonder what inside

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