Let your dog pee on the carpet with the indoor dog restroom?

dog pee on carpet indoor restroom

Good Idea: Take your dog out to pee on the grass.

Bad Idea: Let your dog pee on the carpet.

This used to be the bible on owning a dog. Not anymore. Now you can let your dog pee on the carpet with this awesome indoor dog restroom. Sure, it may smell bad and you’ll have to wipe off the splashback. You might also take into consideration that it may have a sudden urge to plant a number 2 on your kitchen floor instead. But somehow in someones infinite wisdom and idealistic ways, mankind invented the indoor doggie restroom. Fan friggen tastic.

They use words like antimicrobial porous material. I’m pretty sure this means nothing but in case you live on floor 62 and your dog has a bladder like my uncles, you might want to hit the jump to find out more.

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4 Responses to “Let your dog pee on the carpet with the indoor dog restroom?”

  1. 1 anaokulu Aug 17th, 2009 at 5:37 AM

    Very nice great article thank you…

  2. 2 Barry Apr 16th, 2010 at 9:31 AM

    The UGODOG dog potty is a very nice and environmentally friendly indoor dog litter box. What’s great about it is that it will keep your dog’s paws dry and that keeps your floor and carpet dry. And that’s definitely a good thing!

  3. 3 Anna Sep 4th, 2015 at 4:17 PM

    I had this a few years ago and the pee stays in the grass even though it goes down
    i would put a pad on the bottom to hold the pee i had to go wash it at the carwash at least one a week
    i had to get rid of it and just use the bottom plastic and put the pad on top

  1. 1 Let your dog pee on the carpet with the indoor dog restroom One | Weak Bladder Pingback on Jun 7th, 2009 at 5:28 PM

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